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题  目:光学干涉检测方法及其挑战
报告人:沈华 教授
时  间:2024-04-19 14:00
地  点:研发大厦西侧报告厅
题  目:量子点超晶格中激子传输的复合电动力学机制
报告人:香港科技大学 苑荣峰 助理教授
时  间:2024-04-12 10:00
地  点:学术交流中心报告厅
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应用光学论坛2018年第四期——Using Available Consumer Technology for Academic Science
  2018-06-22 Dr. Dario Mager
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  应用光学论坛2018年第四期——Using Available Consumer Technology for Academic Science 

  报告人:Dr. Dario Mager 

  报告时间:2018622 上午9:30 


  CV: Since 2015, Permanent group leader (Akademischer Rat) for low-cost MEMS, at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Leading a research proposal funded group of 1 Post-Doc and 4 PhD candidates; 

  2010-2015, Group leader for low-cost MEMS. Building-up and Leading a research proposal funded group of 5 PhD candidates, at University of Freiburg; 

  2010, Ph.D. in Microsystems Technology (Dr.-Ing.) at University of Freiburg;  

  2005, Diploma in MicroElectricoMechanicalSystems (MEMS) Engineering at the University of Freiburg. 

  Dr. Mager has published 60 articles on several scientific journals (Advanced Materials, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Science Advances, Lab on a Chip, etc.) for pursuing his research interests on Embedded Systems, non-conventional MEMS, Inkjet Printing, Lab-on-a-Disc, extreme point-of-care diagnostic, magnetic resonance. 


Abstract: Modern widely available technology has reach a level of sophistication that it often actually exceeds the level needed to solve a certain problem. Even though the computational power of modern microcontrollers is similar to the power of supercomputers 30 years ago, they are rarely used in academic science. Similar with fabrication technology, modern general purpose machines offer enough precision to obtain high quality results. In this talk two examples will be given, one from the fabrication domain, were inkjet printing is used to fabricate micro-coils. The Second one uses Arduino microcontrollers to improve the handling and the quality of centrifugal microfluidic devices. 


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