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题  目:光学干涉检测方法及其挑战
报告人:沈华 教授
时  间:2024-04-19 14:00
地  点:研发大厦西侧报告厅
题  目:量子点超晶格中激子传输的复合电动力学机制
报告人:香港科技大学 苑荣峰 助理教授
时  间:2024-04-12 10:00
地  点:学术交流中心报告厅
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2013-08-08 国际合作处 张凌童
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201385日,我所与美国光学学会联合举办的第二届国际科技夏令营(2013 CIOMP-OSA Summer Session: Optical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing)在长春召开。本届夏令营主题为光学工程、设计与加工,会期为84-9日。

来自美国罗切斯特大学的乔捷博士作为邀请专家之一,于86日晚在我所研究生部向所内职工与同学做了题目为“Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Entrepreneurship”的报告,并与参会者就女性如何在科技工作领域更好的开展研究工作及发展进行了热烈的讨论。

乔捷博士也将在89日上午10:30在所内做题目为“Technical Marketing for High-Technology Products and Innovations”,欢迎广大职工和同学参加。



Dr. Jie Qiao has been a scientist in laser engineering and optical technologies at Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester since 2005. She was the principal investigator (PI) and project leader for developing an automatic interferometric tiling technique and realizing the world’s first 1.5-meter tiled-grating pulse compressor. She was also the PI for designing a meter-scale adaptive-deformable-grating based pulse compressor. Prior to that, she was a senior optical engineer in both startup and corporate settings, focusing on optical metrology, optical instrumentation, and photonics for optical communications. She obtained her Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Texas at Austin in 2001, her M.S. in Precision Instruments and Fine Mechanics from Tsinghua University in 1997. She has recently obtained a M.B.A, concentrating in Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Finance, and Competitive & Organizational Strategy, from the Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester.Dr. Qiao holds two US patents, has authored close to a dozen peer-reviewed journal articles, and has made more than 30 presentations in national and international conferences. She served as the Program Committee Co-Chair for the International Committee on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers (ICUIL) 2012 conference. Her research interest lies in Metrology for Optics and Imaging Quality Testing, Laser Applications for Advanced Manufacturing, Active Optics and Controls, and Optical Instrumentation.Dr. Qiao is very interested in technical entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. She is a co-founder of an optical technology company Aktiwave LLC since 2008. She led the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) prototype development during the technology commercialization phase of her Ph.D. thesis by Radiant Photonics Inc. in 2001. She was a board member of the Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association from 2003 to 2005. She recently taught the first lecture on “Technical Marketing on High-tech Products and Innovations” at the Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester.

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